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Click here to see a video of the new store! A La Carte Connections, the Snack Lab

What is A La Carte Connections?

Its a general store but its also a very specific store, but its also not JUST a store its like a place where people can come and get coffee or drinks but its not a coffee shop nor is it a bar. Its an environment, and yes we will be selling things, but its more like a branded immersive experience- David Rose, Schitt’s Creek


Support food entrepreneurs! I have worked with all of the vendors listed here and am excited to recommend their amazing food items!

Kenny, a local bay area musician who had a dream of bringing his famed cocktail to market!

Shelf stable cheese that is high in protein (Keto!) that you can bring on camping trips without refrigeration.

Not exactly a food, but a face mask made from the wine lees.

Melissa was a college student when she launched this delicious and natural date spread.

Have you heard of sprouted nuts- they are crispy and delicious- check out this product.

A hangover cure that saves you from the morning headache after you have had just a wee bit too much to drink.

Nutritional food bars held together by using sound waves- sounds crazy but its true! 

an alternative to the sugary oatmeals found in the mainstream markets.

Founded by two legends in the beauty and health industry! These bars have collagen and other natural gourmet ingredients.


Please check out their websites and learn about their products. You can come by 9 La Cruz Ave any time to sample items that they have created.

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